How to edit blog posts in Astro

How to edit blog posts in Astro

Theme Usage
How to edit blog posts in Astro

Steps to Edit a Blog Post

Accessing the File

Navigate to your blog post file in the src/content/blog/ directory. The filename typically matches your post’s URL slug (e.g.,

Editing Frontmatter

The frontmatter is the metadata section at the top of your markdown file, contained between the --- markers. Here’s what you can modify:

title: The post’s main heading
excerpt: A brief summary of your post
featuredImage: Path to the post’s main image (automatically used for SEO too)
publishDate: Original publication date
publish: true
categories: Array of relevant categories

title: "How to edit blog posts in Astro"
excerpt: "Learn how to edit posts in Astro"
featuredImage: "./images/edit-posts.jpg"
publishDate: "2024-03-10"
publish: true
categories: ["Theme Usage"]

  title: "Custom SEO Title (Optional)"
  description: "Custom SEO Description (Optional)"

Image Paths

For the featuredImage, use a relative path to the image in your content folder:

SEO Settings

The seo section is optional and allows you to customize how your post appears in search engines and social media:

Your featured image is automatically used for SEO and social sharing, so you typically don’t need to specify a separate SEO image.

Editing Content

Below the frontmatter will contain the content of the post. This content is rendered out on your slug page (/src/pages/blog/[slug].astro).

Astro Docs

Astro contains great documentation on editing blog post content. Listed below are links to the relevant sections: